The selfiepark installation SOLO Offenbach 2016

The #selfiepark is a park of 72 styrofoam parts, which forms an artificial graphic surrounding/landscape.
The user can take selfies and stroll/scroll between the virtual and the actual reality.

The approach is to have an physical strollable Park which has the qualities of a scrollable blog or feed.

Due to its light weight parts every user can transform and rearrange the park like an community online.
You' ll never be in the same park twice.

By sending it back to instagram as hashtag (#selfiepark) it is accessable online and you may stroll in its virtual past.

This work asks questions of present/ presence, offline/online, the inbetween and the verification of one self through the selfie.

Professor Eike König
Photogaraphy by Camilo Brau
Conceptual Start David Bausch
Assistance Paul de Bruyn
